Monday, December 9, 2019

How things change in a decade....

As we are drawing close to the end of 2019, I have started reflecting on what I would say was the most difficult 10 years of my life.   In 2009, into 2010 I was a wife, and mom of 3 boys.  I at the time was a stay at home mama and enjoyed my life on the surface.   Deep down I knew that life could be better.  I knew something was lacking in my life, and now I know it was love.   

10 years later, I am divorced, mom of 4 boys, I  have moved 2 times, and been through many struggles.   But I am happy in almost every aspect of my life.  I have worked for the same company for over 9 years now, I live in a beautiful home, I  have four gorgeous healthy boys.   I  have made friends who are more than friends, they are family.    I have blended into a small town community that I am proud to be a part of.    Life is good, better than good.  

Now I still don't have that love that I long for, but I have a sense of peace about it.   I know that I am not settling for anything less than what I  desire.  It will happen, I may be 80 by the time it does..... but until then, I will keep having fun! 

In the next 10 years I expect life to change quite a bit, it is hard to fathom but my baby Levi will be 18 by then.... WOW.....  my kids will be grown and it will be a new time for me.  Until then I am going to continue to raise my boys as best I can.  Continue to show them a parent who will go to the ends of the earth to help them reach their dreams and desires.   I will continue to love them unconditionally, and cherish every play, musical, basketball, football and baseball game they have.  I will continue to be the best mom I know how to be.    For me .... I plan on continuing my journey to better health... maybe get into running again (MAYBE).  Learn how to spend a little time for me once and a while.   Just the basics.   

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