Wednesday, November 6, 2019

8 Years of Single Parenting!

There are many things I have learned over my last 8 years as a single mom.... here is some insight.

1. Unless your child's other parent is hurting your child mentally or physically you should NEVER come between a child having a relationship with the other parent. Not because you don't like their new spouse or boy/girlfriend. They have moved on, get over yourself. It doesn't change the love they have for their child. Doing things to make their life more difficult to fulfill some revenge you feel you deserve is childish.

2. Your child should ALWAYS come first in your decisions to dating or getting into a relationship with someone new. If the person you are SO IN LOVE with is not a good example to be around your child, I don't care how much you think you love them or they love you, you are being selfish. Your child should be around people who you would be ok with them growing up to be. Side note... if you can't bring this person around your child, family or friends then WTH are you thinking?

3. Being your kids best friend is ridiculous. There are ways to build that bond and relationship with your kids without being their best friend. Save that for the kids that they are around. Be a parent. Learn how to earn their trust so they will tell you secrets of a best friend without losing the respect as a parent.

4. Allow your children to make mistakes. Do not fix everything for them. Let them learn from their mistakes, take responsibility for them and learn how to correct them and make better decisions next time. If we as parents continue to fix every little problem we are going to have a generation of lost puppies who don't know how to live in a very cruel society.

5. Know what is going on in their lives. Take an interest in them as people. What do they do during the day, who do they hang out with. What are the looking at on the phone/computer? Are they happy, sad, lonely, excited?

5. If you don't already, always tell your kids you love them. No matter how old they are....tell them how proud you are, how happy you are that you are their parent.

That is my parental rant for the day, sorry

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